
Herli 'offers online courses and lectures on mental processes by obesity. Self Help for the cylinder head.
See more about the course on http:/www.slanketanker.no and read the blog to Fat Lilly and tile http://www.feitelilly.no We Lillian and Hege (Fat Lilly and tile http://www.feitelilly.no) has worked several years with obesity and turning our own thought patterns. We have worked with cause and have found solution - and made us the tools. These tools we want to share with others.

We believe that we have a mission in prevention. Preventive work is going on today is the most talking about healthy diet and enough exercise. We believe that it also must work with mental processes. We know that it is not only good habits around food and exercise to - it is equally important to address in their own thought patterns.

The first thing we did was be honest with ourselves - the second, to take responsibility. It has not been an easy process, but we believe that by using our tools will better handle the dialogue that goes on in the cylinder head. Our experience means that we understand what a overweight undergoing and have undergone.

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